Many millions of resistors, capacitors, coils, and delay lines are produced every day. RCD continues to operate as a privately-held corporation, owned and managed by the Arcidy family
A very simple business philosophy has been responsible for the steady growth of RCD. It's called 'commitment'. Since our inception nearly 5 decades ago, RCD's corporate energies have been channeled into the research, design, development and production of components with uncompromising levels of quality.
We are committed to offering a broad line of standards and custom products at competitive prices, with the engineering expertise and manufacturing capabilities to serve your particular requirements.
RCD was the only major U.S. resistor manufacturer to achieve a flawless track record according to Government-Industry (GIDEP) records. The N.H. plant manufactures primarily smaller quantities and SWIFTTM orders, as well as precision, custom, and military devices. Low-cost volume efficiency is attained at Caribbean and Asian facilities.